Keep Calm and Beat the Hell Out of Them With Your Big Stick

Well, readers, I know you are dying to know the fine details of the last of the house saga. And I REALLY want to tell you all about it. However, it’s not over yet. There are no clear timelines for it to be over and Bright and Shiny Lawyer avoids all mention of putting an expiration date on just how the fuck long is this stupid shit going to take? The house is paid off. The Bank of Asshatery received the money. The funds are gone from my bank account. They have sent the lien release and the mortgage pay off release. And yet, I still do not own my husband’s house. And remember that $1500 in taxes and house insurance that I paid into a no balance escrow account? I get to do that again, except to the tune of $2000 to the county assessor and the insurance company because someone has decided at the B of A that I actually paid them back for something that they already paid that they didn’t. Where the hell that is coming from I have no fucking idea. Oops, sorry, the money tree that grows out of my ass sometimes just sprouted a new branch and it poked me.

As most of you are familiar, I am once again drowning in the eddies of the water that has filled the 7 concentric rings of Dante’s hell right here in little ole Dipshitville, Indiana. I thought I was having bright spots. I took Wee Geek to see the Damned in Indy and we met with Captain Sensible. Talked with him for a bit and got pictures and autographs. Can I just say how utterly lovely he is as a person and human in general? I had made these little dolls of him and Dave Vanian. Aren’t they too fucking adorable for words? He is definitely the personality of the group. I fell hopelessly in love with him. Even though he’s a Crystal Palace fan. Poor man.


Wee Geek had an awesome time. I made the decision to do the meet and greet in Detroit on Saturday and my word was I disappointed. Supposedly the band moved the meet and greet up to 430 instead of 6. No one showed according to staff. They claimed the band promised to do meet and greet afterward. Which was fine. This did not happen.  I spent 3 hours on the phone with Live Nation and was basically told too bad so sad. Not our problem. I talked with the manager of the venue and was told that I was completely wrong about the entire event. That they aren’t responsible for the band or the money or anything. They are just the venue. So I have given up all hope of being able to get anything to rectify the situation at all. And now I think Dave Vanian is a pompous asshat. Which is prolly the worst possible ending to this story.

In this era of excitement not to be blamed for anything, we no longer take responsibility. For. Anything. Never mind that we disappointed our fans or anything. Who the fuck cares? They are only the ones who put you there. I’m a little bitter after being passed around by lots of people who don’t want to take responsibility for anything in the universe.

The upside of the whole Detroit thing was that I got to spend the entire day with a girlfriend that I haven’t been able to see for a lot of years. It’s been so long that we didn’t even know when the last time was that we’d seen each other face to face. She’s having a crappy divorce. As if any of them are good. But hers is particularly awful.

In other news, I opted for leaving town for the market season this year and I’m going to a bigger market in another town. I hate to do this. Because I really want to support my little corner of hell that I have made home, but they have to support me. And that was pretty much the bottom line of all of it. It was the deciding factor. It’s hard to make a go off it in small business. Harder when you have a teeny little niche like I do. I keep kicking myself for not doing more over the winter. I should be more prepared. But I’m not and it is what it is. I have to live with it and do the best I can. This is what happens when you are trying to work a full time job and run your own business, too.

I also am trying to figure out where I am going to get the money to pay for traveling to bonus daughter’s wedding. I hope this market season is gang busters. Because it has to be. I am tired of feeling like I am stuck in some non-creative hole. I really want to make a good go of this and have it be something. So I just keep taking everything in stride. Doing as much as I can when I can and saying hail Mary’s that the rest will fall into place. I think it will. It just takes a little courage and a lot of perseverance. I’m excited to see where I can go with it. And I have a lot of support.



2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. SpaghettiSam
    May 04, 2017 @ 11:22:41

    I told you he seemed like a pompous ass. Anybody who walks out onto a hot stage wearing an overcoat, scarf and gloves is simply not to be trusted or taken seriously. Captain Sensible, however, is absolutely lovely. I loved how he remembered you.


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